An IB Advent Calendar

As December is approaching quickly, it is hard to ignore the spreading Christmas spirit. Lights and greenery are beginning to decorate the streets and first Christmas markets are already starting to serve hot cookies and drinks (at least in this part of the world). One of our favourite traditions of the season is also going to be on the rise again: Advent calendars. The German Lutheran practice has spread to many different countries and cultures since their emergence and is available in various shapes and forms. SMARTPREP would like to participate in this, using the time of year that is meant to remind us of selflessness and giving, to provide students, teachers and anyone else we can support, with special offers for our publications. This is why, starting today, you can check out our SMARTPREP advent calendar, supplying daily discount codes to contribute to your or your loved ones' success.


If you're looking for further assistance for the IB Diploma, don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter to receive a free 14-day trial of SMARTPREP IB App once it launches and to join our monthly raffle for super useful gadgets for your Diploma Programme. This month’s winner will receive a Bodyclock Starter 30 alarm-clock, peacefully waking you with light for healthy sleep, sports training, energy for studying, and more. Good luck!



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